Mr. Bean Pizza

Mister Bean

Enter the description of your main picture here. This description will appear if you hover over the main picture.
This recipe does not take a lot of time.
This recipe is easy to make.
This recipe is rather expensive.
This recipe is completely vegetarian.
Even better, this recipe is vegan.
This recipe is not hot at all.
This recipe does not contain alcohol.
No eggs are used in this recipe.
This recipe is glutenfree.
This recipe does not contain soy.
This recipe does not contain nuts.
This recipe does not contain milk.
This recipe does not contain fish.
This recipe does not contain shellfish.
Description: Enter the description of your recipe here. You may have noticed that your recipe is rendered using HTML. Therefore, you can use simple HTML commands in your descriptions to add line breaks, paragraphs, text effects etc. For instance, you can use the <BR> command to start a new line, and the <P></P> commands to open and close a paragraph.

The input file that is used to generate the HTML page is a data file that is created using the La Gantt GUIsine software. You can create/edit your input file using La Gantt GUIsine, or using a text editor (e.g., notepad).

When using La Gantt GUIsine, be careful when inserting new resources/ingredients/activities in an existing list. Inserting resources/ingredients/activities may mix up your activity details, requiring you to enter them from scratch. It is good practice to add new resources/ingredients/activities at the end of the list (rather than inserting them).

At the bottom of this page (in the downloads section), you can find a link to download the input file that was used to generate this HTML page. This input file provides examples of how to use HTML commands. Using these commands will help you to present your recipe in a nice, professional way.

To optimize the layout of your page, you can play around with the width of your pictures to obtain a better layout. In addition, you can play around with the opacity of your pictures to make your overall page look nicer. If you set opacity to 100, the picture is displayed without changes. If you set opacity to 0, the picture is completely transparent (i.e., not visible). Give it a try.

In the input file, you can also specify resources and ingredients that are used to create your dish. For each resource, you need to specify the quantity needed. For each ingredient, you need to specify the total requirement as well as the unit of the ingredient. Whereas resource needs should be expressed as integers (i.e., whole numbers), ingredient quantities may be expressed as decimals. Note that your recipe should at least have 1 resource and 1 ingredient.

Emojis can also be added to add a personal touch to your recipe. Emojis are displayed right above the recipe description. In this example, a few emojis are listed, however, you can add other emojis yourself (do a search for 'emoji HTML reference' to find the decimal reference for each emoji). Each emoji corresponds to a unique decimal reference (for instance, decimal reference 9200 displays a clock: ⏰). Each emoji should be provided with a text that is displayed if you hover above the emoji. In fact, you may have noticed that many elements on this page display additional information if you hover over them. You can specify the text that is displayed in the input file. Note, however, that hovering may not work when viewing this page on a mobile phone.

In this example recipe, there are two steps. You can specify more steps if required, or it is also possible that you only have 1 step in your recipe. Whatever you do, try to make sure that your recipe not only tastes fantastic, but also that it looks great! Make sure that this page is clear, can easily be understood, and looks visually attractive. Your goal is to encourage people to try your recipe!. If you need inspiration, or want to look at some other example recipes, you can always click on La Gantt Cuisine on top of this page. This will take you to the recipe index. For each of the recipes, you can download the input file via the link in the download section of each recipe page.

Resources: Oven, Fridge, 2 Knives, 2 Forks, 2 Spoons, Stove, 2 Mixers, and 2 Plates.
Ingredients: Olive oil (140ml), Flour (1/2kg), Tomatoes (10pieces), Salt, and Olive oil (1teaspoon).
Step 1
Provide a description of your step here.
Enter your first taskname here
Taskname 2
Taskname 4
Taskname 3
Taskname 5
Taskname 6
Enter your first taskname here (00:00 - 10:00)
Resource: Oven.
Ingredient: Olive oil (50ml).
Enter a description of your task here. The description is shown if you hover over the task in the Gantt chart. For each activity you need to specify a starting time and a duration (note that for each step at least one activity has to start at time 0).
Taskname 2 (05:00 - 20:00)
Resources: None.
Ingredient: Flour (1/4 kg).
You can split tasks in the Gantt chart by using the same activity name for multiple input rows. Activities that have the same name will be displayed on the same row in the Gantt chart.
Taskname 2 (25:00 - 30:00)
Resource: Oven.
Ingredients: None.
This is the second part of this task. Note that different parts of the same task should not overlap in the Gantt chart! In addition, note that different parts of different activities can use different resources/ingredients.
Taskname 4 (05:00 - 30:00)
Resources: Fridge, 1 Knife, 1 Fork, & 2 Spoons.
Ingredients: None.
The color of the activity depends on the resources that are used. If multiple resources are required, multiple colors will be displayed in the Gantt chart. Activities that do not use resources all have the same color.
Taskname 4 (35:00)
This is a milestone activity. Milestones can be used to indicate events in the timeline, or to provide additional information that is required at a particular moment in time.
Taskname 3 (07:00 - 25:00)
Resources: Stove & 1 Mixer.
Ingredients: Olive oil (10ml) & Tomatoes (5pieces).
Activities can use multiple resources & ingredients. This task, for instance, uses the stove and one of the two available mixers. It also uses 10ml of olive oil and 5 tomatoes.
Taskname 5 (15:00 - 42:00)
Resources: 1 Knife, 1 Fork, & 2 Plates.
Ingredient: Olive oil (20ml).
It is not always necessary to add a description. Often, however, even a simple description may help users to prepare your dish.
Taskname 6 (30:00 - 35:00)
Resource: Fridge.
Ingredients: None.
Activities do not always use ingredients. If an activity uses no ingredients, enter '0' in each ingredient use field.
Step 2
This is the second step in this recipe.
Taskname 1
Taskname 2
Taskname 4
Taskname 3
A very long taskname to illustrate that this is possible.
Taskname 1 (00:00 - 08:00)
Resource: Oven.
Ingredient: Olive oil (50ml).
The start time and the duration of an activity are expressed in minutes. Note that they need to be integer (i.e., whole) numbers. The same holds for resources, you can only have/use an integer amount of resources. Note that if an activity does not use a particular resource, you can indicate this by entering 0 in the resource use field.
Taskname 1 (12:00 - 14:00)
Resources: None.
Ingredient: Tomatoes (1piece).
You can specify singular and plural ingredient units. For instance, this activity requires only 1 piece of tomatoes. In order to indicate singular and plural units, use a '|' delimiter to separate both forms. For instance, in the case of tomatoes, you can enter 'piece|pieces' in the units field.
Taskname 2 (04:00 - 16:00)
Resource: Stove.
Ingredient: Flour (1/4 kg).
You can use decimal numbers to specify the quantity of ingredients required. The software will automatically try to transform the decimal number into a fraction. For instance, 0.25 will translate into 1/4.
Taskname 4 (06:00 - 24:00)
Resources: 2 Forks & 1 Spoon.
Ingredients: None.
Be carefull that you do not create a resource conflict. Two activities that use the same resource cannot be ongoing at the same time if there is only one such resource.
Taskname 3 (08:00 - 22:00)
Resources: 1 Knife & 2 Mixers.
Ingredients: Olive oil (10ml) & Tomatoes (4pieces).
The Gantt chart will scale automatically depending on the durations of the different actvities. Note that tasks, resources, and ingredients are sorted in order of their first use. For instance, activity 'Taskname 4' is listed before activity 'Taskname 3' in the Gantt chart because it starts earlier.
A very long taskname to illustrate that this is possible. (10:00)
Ingredient: Salt (to taste).
This is another milestone activity. Sometimes the use of an ingredient cannot be specified in units. For instance, when adding salt to taste. In this case enter '-1' in the ingredient use field, and enter 'to taste' (or 'to your taste') in the ingredient unit field.
A very long taskname to illustrate that this is possible. (20:00)
Ingredient: Olive oil (1teaspoon).
This is yet another milestone activity. Note that ingredients are not always expressed using the same unit. In this recipe the use of olive oil is expressed using ml and teaspoons. For this activity, we need 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
No resource
Additional information
This additional information is displayed at the bottom of the page. You can use it to provide tips, or to explain how the dish may be adapted and/or extended. Allergies and intollerances may also be mentioned here. Of course, you can also leave this field empty if there is no additional information.
Enter the description of the additional picture here. The pictures will appear in the order they are listed here.
Enter the description of the additional picture here. The pictures will appear in the order they are listed here.
You can add as many pictures as you want.
You can add as many pictures as you want.
Pictures can have any format.
Pictures can have any format.
You can even add gif files.
You can even add gif files.
You can also use high-resolution pictures.
You can also use high-resolution pictures.